FG's Mini review
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Modern Day Zombies update
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main page.
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Modern Day Zombie Page.
- 26.05.2007 Added Deadlands / Great Rail wars
- 19.04.2007 Added Outcast minis
- 14.04.2007 Added Heroscape zombies
- 12.02.2007 Added mention of the mega minis limited Olley zombies
- 07.02.2007 Added news about Abberant Games
- 26.01.2007 Updated Fitzpatrick / Croc games entry with painted picture and added a mention about From Beyond to the graven images section.
- 24.01.2007 Updated Heresy entry with link to pre-order page, and Kenzer & Co with the Final Days miniature game.
- 20.01.2007 Updated RAFM entry with painted picture and added more comments, moved from unpainted section to main section (obviously!). Also edited the wizkids entry to make it more timeless, and added a link to Zombietown under twilight creations.
- 13.01.2007 Added Victory Force Miniatures
- Zombiesmith has got a new living/zombie set for a homemaker!
- Alpha Forge zombies are released!
- Added brief note on musketeer and alpha forge. And the Zombiesmith website seems to be alive again, if abit different.
- Added Ral Partha's ravenloft zombie.
- Added Heresy.
- Added some comments on the horrorclix zombies and a comparison picture of them with the plastics from Zombies!!! and Doom the boardgame. Added WoTC section pointing out one of the dreamblade miniature. I also added a link to Zombie Invasion 3.
- Added comment on Necromunda plague zombies to the GW section.
October 2006
January 2007
February 2007
April 2007
October 2007